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Friday, June 19, 2009

T-Dub's Intro woMMAn's Blog

Finally a blog discussing MMA from a woMMAn’s point of view. Here we will not only discuss the fights and fighters, but we will also discuss who’s hot, and who pretty much sucks and needs to drop off the face of the earth. Whether you agree with our point of view or not , we don’t care. We are just sharing with you what we think, and that is all that matters.

First blog coming up will be on tomorrow night’s season final of TUF 9. Ladies, don’t miss this one, cuz Ross and Andre face-off, and they are the 2 hottest guys on team UK. We’re disappointed that Frank didn’t make to the finals, but look forward to seeing him fight again. He alone was Team US. Hopefully, Dana can find more guys like Frank next season, cuz I don’t know how much longer we can take of the little boys with complexes that he’s been picking lately. Go outside the camps, Dana! Please find guys that we can stand and look forward to seeing each week.

Ok, let me stop, before I get carried away. This was just going to be an introduction to our blog woMMAn. We are in no way experts, just spectators of the sport and huge fans. Where else can you find tight bodied men, rolling around on the ground in little shorts. Anyways, look for blogs from T-Dub and K-lovely regularly. There’s 2 cuz we don’t always agree. We will be posting when it matters, or whenever we feel like.
